• Den Haag  -  route
  • Wo
  • 28 - 32 uur
  • schaal 10
    €3.404 - €5.389 (bruto)
  • Onderzoek / wetenschap, Natuur / milieu
  • Solliciteer voor 5 maart 2025 Nog 12 dagen
  • Arbeidsovereenkomst voor bepaalde tijd
Kenmerk: PBL-250235, Plaatsingsdatum: 19 februari 2025

Are you interested in working at the science-policy interface, and are you especially interested in policy options that reduce biodiversity loss? Are you good at structuring data into a database and making databases accessible for users? Then join the PBL team that works in the Bio-Agora project. The EU Horizon project Bio-Agora contributes to the development of the European science-policy interface for biodiversity (see https://bioagora.eu/).
PBL is responsible for providing a systematic overview of scenarios, including forecasts and projections related to the European Biodiversity Strategy and the impacts of specific policies for biodiversity. You will contribute to this systematic overview by developing and filling in an easily accessible database in which policy interventions from existing and ongoing scenario studies are related to policy targets and objectives of the European Biodiversity Strategy. The database will be developed in cooperation with various partners, such as CREAF and OPPLA. You will coordinate the filling of the database with other partners and the design of tools to access the database.

Meer over jouw toekomstige afdeling

At PBL you will be part of The Department of Global Sustainability. This department analyses the effects of biodiversity loss and climate change on society. Looking at global scale, our department carries out assessments of policies, both proposed and already in place, on how to realize internationally agreed goals and targets for climate and biodiversity, as well as the broader SDG-agenda. The department supports the international sustainability policies of various Dutch ministries. It also studies scientific, economic and governance aspects of societal developments, applying mixed methods. MD contributes to international assessments such as IPCC, IPBES and UNEP GEO.

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is the national institute for strategic policy analysis in the fields of environment, nature and spatial planning. We contribute to improving the quality of political and administrative decision-making by conducting outlook studies, analyses and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered paramount. Policy relevance is the prime concern in all our studies. We conduct solicited and unsolicited research that is always independent and scientifically sound. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency believes that employees perform best in an inclusive working environment. Working in diverse teams makes our work more innovative and enjoyable.

PBL The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is administratively part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.

Would you like to know what it's like to work at PBL? Have a look at this video or our website.

Stel gerust je vraag

Meer informatie over deze vacature

Rob Alkemade 06-29510692

Meer informatie over de sollicitatieprocedure

Ellen van Tongeren 06-11499768


Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management nodigt je uit op hun site te solliciteren. Via onderstaande knop verlaat je deze site en ga je direct naar het sollicitatieformulier. Het Rijk hecht waarde aan een diverse en inclusieve organisatie. Werken in divers samengestelde teams maakt ons effectiever, innovatiever en het werk leuker. Eenieder wordt daarom uitgenodigd te solliciteren.

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