Stage bij the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency in New York

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
  • New York CG
  • Universitair Master, Wo
  • 40 uur
  • €775
  • Internationaal
  • Solliciteer voor 1 april 2025
  • Meeloopstage
  • 2 sep. 2025 - 31 jan. 2026
Kenmerk: 2214, Plaatsingsdatum: 7 maart 2025

The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA) in New York is offering an internship position for the period September 2nd, 2025 to January 31st, 2026.

The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency is an operating agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and assists foreign companies with their expansion into the Netherlands. The office in New York is located at the Consulate-General of the Netherlands.

During your internship, you will have the opportunity to develop valuable skills in market research, business intelligence, and international investment promotion. You will work closely with project managers, gaining hands-on experience while enhancing your analytical, communication, and strategic thinking abilities.

Key learning areas include:

  • Conducting market research to understand industry trends and identifying new prospects and leads.
  • Analyzing and identifying potential foreign investors with the help of different (desk research) sources.
  • Creating tailor-made pitches, information packages and promotion material, aiming to inform clients of the advantages of the Netherlands.
  • Gaining proficiency in working with independent databases and interpreting business intelligence insights.
  • Attending networking events when relevant.
  • Assisting with the organization of our own events.


During the internship, alongside of the above-mentioned learning goals, you will be working on your own assignment. Questions that you will be looking at are e.g. the importance of different factors in the Dutch business climate for foreign investors to consider the Netherlands, or how changing (fiscal or financial) regulation in the Netherlands is affecting our current investors. The exact theme and description of the assignment will be defined at the start of your internship, where we will take into account your personal interests and (if applicable) requirements from your studies.

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken voert een actief diversiteitsbeleid en zet in op een inclusieve organisatie. We doen dit door de verschillen van mensen optimaal in te zetten en te benutten. En door een werkcultuur te scheppen waar iedereen zichzelf kan zijn en zich gewaardeerd voelt. We streven bij de samenstelling van teams en bij de aanname van nieuw talent naar diversiteit in, onder meer, leeftijd, geslacht, cultuur, achtergrond, geaardheid, functiebeperking, kennis en competenties.

Meer over jouw toekomstige afdeling

The office of the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency is located at the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Manhattan, New York. You will be working from this office five days per week.

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Meer informatie over deze vacature


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